Hire an Alimony Lawyer in Allentown, PA

by | May 2, 2018 | Lawyers

Alimony is not guaranteed when couples divorce. Further, the courts do not award alimony based on the parties’ conduct during a marriage. Rather, alimony is awarded based on economic equity and fairness. Those who want to file for divorce should consult an alimony lawyer in Allentown, PA.

Economic Equity

There are many reasons why economic inequity occurs during a marriage. One party may opt to stay at home with the kids rather than work. As a result, they do not have a work history or retirement package. Of course, they may want to work when the children are older, but it may not be easy. Employers can be reluctant to hire individuals after a certain age.

The stay-at-home spouse would be a good candidate for alimony. Indeed, they must have an income after the divorce. Further, one spouse may become disabled during the marriage. They will need income and health insurance. An alimony lawyer in Allentown, PA explains to clients that the court system seeks fairness. They want both parties to be solvent after divorce.

Determining the Alimony Amount

Judges look at several factors to determine the amount of alimony. A major factor is the couple’s standard of living during the marriage. A judge will want to maintain the lifestyle of the parties. Other factors include the amount of property owned, income, and the value of other assets. The ability of the parties to earn a living is key. For instance, one party may have put off getting an education to help the other spouse through school.

Types of Alimony

Judges have absolute discretion in setting the type of alimony received. For instance, the judge may order that alimony is paid until the non-working party gets a job. Likewise, the court may award alimony while someone goes to school. On the other hand, alimony payments can be permanent. Permanent alimony is usually awarded after a long marriage.

Also, the judge may give the parties the option of receiving a lump-sum payment. A lump sum can be advantageous for an individual who wants to move on. Indeed, the money can help one quickly rebuild their life. Consult a lawyer if you are considering divorce and need alimony. To learn more, visit website.

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