Federal charges are stressful to deal with and can lead to serious penalties. When individuals are charged with a serious drug crime, it is crucial for them to seek legal help from federal drug charges attorneys in Lancaster County. Preparing for the first meeting is vital so the defendant will be able to receive the legal counsel they need.
Preparation Is Key
It is imperative a person is properly prepared to provide extensive information to the federal drug charges attorneys in Lancaster County when they meet. Providing false or erroneous information will only harm a defendant’s ability to get the legal help they need. It is important individuals realize there is an attorney/client privilege in place the moment a defendant meets with their attorney. This means:
- The attorney cannot be forced to divulge any information gleaned from private conversations held between the attorney and their client, even if a legal demand is made in the discovery process.
- The attorney cannot be forced to testify against their own client, no matter the circumstances of the case or trial.
It is a wise idea for a defendant to take extensive notes before their first meeting. Individuals often feel nervous when meeting with their attorney for the first time and this can lead them to forget information or questions they wanted to ask. Taking notes helps to ensure all of the proper information will be shared so time is not wasted during the meeting.
Laws Governing Federal Drug Charges
Like most states in the Union, Pennsylvania is cracking down on drug charges, in the hopes to dissuade individuals from making poor choices that place themselves and others in harm’s way. When a person is found guilty of a federal drug charge, they can face up to fifteen years in prison and fines up to $250,000, depending on their previous charges.
Although an attorney cannot guarantee any sort of outcome for a client, the attorney can certainly offer peace of mind and sound legal guidance during the trial process. Those facing federal drug charges would be wise to consult with an attorney as soon as possible. Contact the Law Office of Melissa R. Montgomery to schedule an appointment.