Can a Couple Hire a Personal Injury Attorney in Queens NY TO Sue a Guest for Not Showing Up?

by | Oct 31, 2015 | Lawyers

An interesting article appeared on the USA Today website about a newlywed couple who billed another couple for not showing up to their wedding. Although this may seem like an odd thing to do, surprisingly some couples wonder if they can hire a Personal Injury Attorney in Queens NY to sue guests who don’t show. The answer is no, and here’s why.

A Brief Introduction to Contract Law

It may be possible for a bride and groom to win compensation for damages sustained as a result of guests who don’t show if they can convince a judge there was a contract between them and the guests, and the guests breached that contract. To be considered a contract, an agreement must contain four elements:

1. An offer -: One party must promise to do something for another party.
2. An acceptance of the offer -: The party who receives the offer must accept it.
3. The intention of consequences -: All parties involved must intend to enter a legally binding agreement that can be enforced by the law.
4. Consideration -: The person making the offer must receive some type of benefit in return upon performance of the contract.
So the question is whether or not a wedding invitation could be considered a contract?

Why a Wedding Invitation is Not a Contract

Certainly, a wedding invitation could be considered an offer in one sense because the bride and groom are promising to let the guest attend the party, and the guest’s RSVP may be considered an acceptance of the offer. However, that’s where the similarity to a contract ends.

When people extend and accept invitations to social engagements, there is no intention or expectation of making the invitations legally binding. Secondly, there arguably isn’t any mutual consideration provided in the extension of a wedding invitation. When people invite others to events, the consideration is typically one way, with the inviter being the primary beneficiary of the presence of the invitee.

Although it can be disappointing and frustrating to have guests RSVP to an event and not show up, hiring a Personal Injury Attorney in Queens NY to sue is probably not the best way to go. However, if there was a real contract with someone who subsequently breached the agreement, contact a Personal Injury Attorney for advice on how to proceed with the case.

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