When someone has difficulty paying their bills, they most likely have a great deal of anxiety about how they will get themselves out of this situation. There are several steps one can take in an attempt to get bills paid in a timely manner. Here are some ideas that can be considered to eliminate debt.
Call Creditors to Make Payment Arrangements
It is best not to ignore bills as they are received. If a bill cannot be paid in a timely manner, making a phone call to the creditor to inform them about a late payment is best. Some creditors will allow for partial payments to be made if a time line is provided for when the bill will be paid in full. Most medical providers will not tack on interest on late payments. It is a good idea to fill out hardship paperwork with creditors to reduce payment amounts if necessary.
Remove Unnecessary Bills Completely
When trying to get caught up with payments, it is best to eliminate all unnecessary bills so money is not tied up paying them during this time. Drop cable television, online services, and phone service until money is available to pay for these things. Tracking every cent spent can be helpful in determining what money can be saved. Some people discover they eat out too much or spend too much on wants without realizing it.
Consider Filing for Bankruptcy
If bills cannot be paid with other means, there is the option in filing for chapter 7/13 bankruptcy in Jonesboro. An attorney will aid in getting paperwork filled out properly to start the process in getting a court date with a bankruptcy judge. Creditors would no longer be calling to find out when payments would be made and instead debt would be eliminated or paid off in installments according to the court’s decision.
When there is a need to file for chapter 7/13 bankruptcy in Jonesboro , having the right attorney for representation is necessary. Take a look at a website like Chriscarouthers.com to find out more about the process in getting debt eliminated. An appointment can scheduled for a consultation if desired.