While there are certainly situations in which your employer has the right to terminate your employment for just cause, you would be wise to understand these situations in more detail. Why? Because you may also be the victim of wrongful employment termination. But don’t try to make your way through this complex issue on your own. You’ll always be best served by working with an attorney who specializes in employment law and associated situations.
Reduce Stress
Losing your job for any reason is stressful enough. If you don’t fully understand why you were terminated and you don’t know your rights, the stress will only increase. If you believe that you’re in a situation involving wrongful employment termination in Springfield, MA, your first phone call should be to an attorney who can guide you through the process, helping you make wise decisions that can restore your livelihood and/or get you the compensation you deserve.
If you have an employment contract that calls for just cause before termination, you should work with a legal professional at Connor Morneau & Olin LLP to determine your rights and the rights of your employer. It’s possible that employment policies and procedures used consistently by the company can be enough to determine cause in a legal sense.
Labor Issues
This can be a difficult situation to work through without legal experience and knowledge, which is why you should work with a specialist in wrongful employment termination if you feel that this applies to you. Federal law generally protects workers from being fired for discussing wages or working conditions with other employees.
If you feel that this is the reason for your termination, you should consult with an attorney to determine if you have a claim. These are certainly not the only situations in which you should seek legal advice. If you believe that you have been terminated for the wrong reasons, call your attorney today. Visit website to know more about the wrongful employment termination law in Springfield, MA.