Diesel Exhaust Causes Cancer

by | Jun 20, 2017 | Attorney

After nearly thirty years of research and study, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified diesel exhaust as a carcinogen in 2012. Diesel exhaust cancer is caused by particles of soot and hydrocarbons found in diesel exhaust, it causes lung cancer and has been linked to bladder cancer as well. Those that are most at risk are miners, those working in the railroad industry and truck drivers.

What is in diesel exhaust?

The exhaust from diesel engines is a complex mixture of many gases and soot. Among these gases are many that are either suspected of causing or are known to cause cancer. Diesel exhaust contains benzene, formaldehyde, arsenic; all of which are known cancer causing agents.

How do people become exposed to diesel exhaust?

The gases and microscopic soot partials from diesel exhaust are suspended in the air, when people breathe air that contains these substances and pollutants they are exposed. With the large number of diesel powered machines; trains, trucks, farm equipment and more, it is virtually impossible to not be exposed regardless of whether you live in the city or in a rural setting.

Those that live in industrialized areas and those that earn a living in and around trucks and trains face a higher risk of diesel exhaust cancer.

How does diesel exhaust affect your health?

The particles that are a component of diesel exhaust are infinitely small, no larger than 20 percent of the diameter of a human hair. These particles go deep into the lungs and cause any number of health problems including irritation of the eyes, nose, throat and lungs. Studies have proven than long term exposure does cause diesel exhaust cancer.

There is a great deal of emphasis being placed on improving diesel fuel as well as engines that burn it. Even so, there are thousands of older trucks and trains that contain dangerous levels of cancer causing carcinogens.

Those that work in the railroad and trucking industry are most at risk for diesel exhaust cancer. If you are concerned about how you can claim for compensation you are invited to discuss the details of your cases with Diesel Injury Law.

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