An auto accident invariably involves an insurance company or two. It can be urgent to get the right details at the right time to confirm the accuracy of the accident report. Yet, what if this doesn’t happen at all? What if, instead of an accurate report, an insurance company gets a less-than-accurate report?
The above scenario can put a potential client in a bad spot. Now, the situation could be an intentional act, and that is its own kind of problem. It could also be the result of an exuberant and confident “opponent” and a lack of details due to some other matter. Regardless, insurance companies will want to know the details weeks after the accident. The details can be muddied, intentionally exaggerated, or just flat wrong. Clients need Auto Accident Attorneys in Lacey WA who can navigate these waters.
Learn the System
The first point of advice is to learn how the insurance system works. No party wants to pay for the incident. Both are fighting to offset responsibility. Sometimes, the facts are obvious and sometimes they are extremely gray. The insurance companies can handle (and afford) the fight. As a client, this is a battle they can step back from. Allow the insurance parties to mingle with the lawyers.
The Police Report is a Guide
Police reports have been proven to be egregiously wrong time and time again. Truthfully, the experiences of the people do not count as much as they used to because people are not inherently reliable. Experiences are often far different when relayed than what was actually experienced. Footage from the road, the street, or a restaurant have proved this many times in various legal incidents. People do not know what they experienced, and Auto Accident Attorneys in Lacey WA know how to work this in.
Ignore the big and obnoxious commercials that flood the state. Some citizens find solace and service from looking outside the main circles. They find affordable rates from lawyers newly involved in the field. Visit for more on the topic of auto accidents in Washington. There are ways to work the system.